
Data for Ethic
Winner of the Best Education & Inclusion Startup Award at VivaTech 2024!

Let’s fight against school and workplace harassment and build a more inclusive future with our AI-powered software

Data for Ethic - Detecting and preventing abuse and harassment

What do we stand for?

Data for Ethic puts artificial intelligence at the service of society and humanity, with a clear mission: to create safer, ethical, and responsible work and learning environments.

Our software solutions can be adapted to fit any area of activity, offering three innovative tools for a positive and sustainable impact. 

We firmly believe that promoting empathy and good social practices from an early age is the key to reducing violence and improving the quality of life in our societies. 

As a publisher of patented software, we protect users across Europe and around the world by offering them a comprehensive solution for detection, prevention, and sensitization to digital threats. 

Explore our groundbreaking solutions and take action for a future without cyberviolence and bullying. 

Data for Ethic

Our Solutions



Detect workplace toxicity with AI for a better Quality of Working Life.


Netethic Education

A platform to protect students and their supervisors from abuse and bullying.


Netethic Family

A state-of-the-art solution to keep your children safe.

Check out our media appearances : Expertise to combat bullying

Leading media outlets, including TV, radio, and press, often call upon our expertise to showcase our cutting-edge solutions and their impact on combating bullying. Explore our media appearances, where our co-founders share their vision, our technologies, and our successes in ensuring individual safety and well-being across diverse settings. 

Partnerships & Labels

The media are talking about us !